Trey James

Let me tell you about my husband, he is the best. We met when we were 15 years old, and he has been my best friend ever since.

He is my biggest supporter and my fiercest protector, he loves me and lifts me up every single day. 

When we were younger and we would talk about our future together he would say things like "it's your world babe, I am just living in it". As much has 18 year old me loved that, adult me has come to love and cherish the team we have built together. 

When I was pregnant and my health was at risk, I had to quit my job to stay on bed rest. I decided that was a perfect time to go back to school and finish earning my degree. He went with me to enroll, he stayed up with me late at night while I studied and he really supported me in every way you could imagine.

When our daughter was born, I became very ill (I almost died more than once that week), he never left my side, he took on the roll of being a new dad and he did every single thing while I just sat there. He prayed for me and with me, he changed his first diapers, he fed his first bottles, all while I just sat there useless. He never complained, he never showed his fear, he just supported me in every way he could.

Now that she is getting older and we are really learning what parenting is all about, he has surprised me again with how wonderful he is. He approaches everything head on and as a team, he supports every decision I make. He stays up late researching things, he goes above and beyond to make sure we are being the best parents we can be. He carries her when she falls, he holds her when she cries and he loves us the most.

When you have loved someone for 13 years sometimes you wonder "how can I love you more", I mean surely your heart can reach capacity, right? Wrong, somehow he finds a way to make me fall a little more in love with him every day. 

This morning we took a walk with our daughter on the beach. She started to get really cranky and sleepy (she slept awful last night). Instead of getting frustrated with her when she started throwing a fit, he said "hey Ginny, do you want to go to the room and swing with daddy?" We came back to the room and they started swinging in the hammock, they are still there just resting in the calm ocean air. That is just what she needed, and without being able to communicate that with us, he knew, he could just tell that she needed a calm moment after a full day of travel. 

I love him the most, and I always have. He is my friend, my partner and now the best daddy to our baby girl!


  1. He sounds like a real treasure. What a beautiful testimony to him, to the two of you. Love his line, "it's your world babe, I am just living in it." So sweet!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to someone who is as special to you as you are to him.

  3. Lovely! So nice to fine a partner like that and to share that will him as well. Cute photo!


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