Today was a good day.

Today I took a road trip to our family ranch.
Today I shared beaver nuggets and laughs with my daughter.

Today I walked down a dirt road full of memories.
Today I listened to stories of the past shared by my pop.

Today I admired the world around me.
Today I helped my dad mow the grass.
Today I slowed down.
Today I enjoyed life.

Tomorrow, I can't wait for tomorrow. 


  1. I love this slice. I can feel the joy and peace in your words!

  2. Nice post and love the slowing pace of a busy mom. Also love the flower - I am in Minnesota and we are still looking at snow so the idea of mowing grass and seeing flowers is a wonderful thing right now. Welcome to slicing!

  3. I hear peace. Slowing down is the right way to go! Happy SOLSC!!

  4. Morgan I loved how you were able to make me slow down while reading your poem, there was something relaxing about reading "Today I.." repeating and a new sweet moment being shared. I am jealous of your relaxing day, here's to enjoying tomorrow!

  5. This is an awesome follow up to yesterdays post! Children always have that way to tell us exactly what we need better than we can tell ourselves! One thing about having a bad day is you can only go up from there!

  6. Just reading your post made me slow down and take a deep breath. What a refreshing read.


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