Taken For Granted

Living in a barn is not where I pictured myself being for this long. I always assumed we would buy a house in a little neighborhood and raise our babies there. At this point in our lives though it is too hard to pass up the family discount on the rent, my husbands family being so close and all the money we are saving.

However, on nights like last night I have a hard time staying positive and not thinking "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Last night after my bubble bath, our septic system erupted. As I stood there drying off, I watched my bath tub fill with brown, murky, disgusting water. Our toilets began bubbling and our little barn house started to smell like sulfur.

It is moments like those that make me think "what are we still doing here?" and "when can we buy our own house, in a cute little neighborhood?". Who wants to deal with a septic tank, especially one that is filling your yard and your bath tub with only heaven knows what!

Then, there are moments like this morning when I walk outside and see the fog across the property, the cows laying in the fields and the ducks flying over the pond that I realize how often I take this place for granted.

My husband grew up on this property with his grandparents, this is where we moved when we got married and now my daughter has started her journey here as well. How beautiful is it that she gets to run around with chickens, cows and dogs all day. How precious is it that there are 3 generations living on this land. Those are the things that I have taken for granted.

Life of a barn wife isn't exactly the life I pictured having, but is the life I couldn't imagine changing. One day we will buy our own house, but until then we will soak up these days on Herring Lane.


  1. I cannot even imagine how disgusting it is to watch a septic tank rupture, but I am so envious of your life on shared family land! You will have so many fun family stories to share as your daughter gets older!

  2. As with everything, there are pros and cons. When when of the cons rears its head, no matter how disgusting that head may be, we dwell on the pros and realize the cons can be dealt with.

  3. Every house has problems - even the newer ones in the cute little neighborhoods =) It is so great that you take moments to step back and appreciate the positives!

  4. I understand the not fun issues that come with the farm but I agree what a treat for a family to hold on to their land and pass it down through the family. The view is amazing. Enjoy it while you can.

  5. I can understand how difficult that can be! I also see how memorable and amazing it is!! It looks beautiful where you live!

  6. Ugh - the septic tank! One blessing, you had finished your bath! That photo - oh, that tree is so beautiful, with its bare branches against that gorgeous sky. You have a good life!


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