
I guess we are crazy, because we are off, headed to the Houston airport to travel abroad for spring break. I am sitting in the car thinking about how insane the airport is going to be, wondering if we should even be leaving with COVID-19 in the air, and praying I didn't forget anything important.

Packing for my family of 3 for a week is stressful. Did I pack enough diapers, can my husband still fit in to his dress pants, do I really need my hair dryer?

I don't have much to say today, but just send happy thoughts, prayers or vibes (whatever ya got) our way! 


  1. I get it, packing brings on anxiety and stress. It should be fun, right, getting ready for a vacation? Instead, the stress it brings on is cause enough to need a vacation! Happy and healthy travels to you, enjoy!

  2. Have fun Morgan! Praying for your sweet family!!

  3. Hoping you and your family have a safe and enjoyable trip. Packing is never fun, at least for me. I tend to over pack which is not a good thing.

  4. Safe travels and enjoy your trip! Three weeks - sounds like an amazing time! Hope you plan to share it with us.

  5. Wishing you so much fun! Safe and healthy travels!!


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