Exhausted. Being a young mom people often ask me "how are you doing?" Well, I am exhausted. I am going to school full time, I am momming full time and I am doing the best I can. While I know I have the luxury of not having to work during this time, it doesn't make it any less exhausting. Especially as we are entering a new phase with our daughter. Ginny gets all of my attention during the day everyday except Tuesdays and Thursdays (I am in class at Sam Houston State University). At night I study and do homework for 3-4 hours and I NEVER end up in bed before midnight. Lately life is going to bed around 1 am and waking up bright and early to "hot diggity dog mama" around 6 am. As I mentioned we are getting in to a new phase with Ginny, she is quickly approaching 2 years old. I know everyone talked about the "terrible twos" and I hate to call it that, because I wont lie, I do think she is perfect as most mothers do. However, this week, this w...
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