
I am quick, I think the saying is "slow to anger, quick to love", well that is not me. I am just quick in general. I am quick to feel everything and sometimes I forget to slow down and take it all in. That was actually my new years resolution this year, to slow down and appreciate everything that is front of me. (I honestly think I am doing pretty good at it, and I have noticed it becoming easier to see the silver lining in all situations!)

This is such a busy season of life. I am a young mom, a wife and a college student. I feel like I am racing everyday. I am racing to my daughters doctors appointment and play dates, racing to meet my school deadlines, racing to keep my social life and racing to stay on top of basic things like laundry.

Today I found out that I was approved to take a portion of my student teaching methods over the summer and I am thrilled. I thought to myself "let the race begin." I cannot wait to earn my degree and my teaching credentials and get back in to a classroom. This is a race that I feel so privileged to participate in. Although I know this the path I am meant to take, I know the busyness that I feel now is nothing compared to what is coming.  Teaching is something that is a part of me, it is in my bones and I have known it my whole life. As busy as this phase of life is, I know this is just the beginning and I am so excited for it. 

Here is a cute picture of my Virginia Pearl running in her race of life!


  1. Oh my goodness, she is ADORABLE! Also, congratulations on approval for content methods this summer!

  2. She is so precious! I have tremendous admiration for you, juggling so much!! Give yourself a big pat on the back.

  3. Teaching is a race, but when you are in it and you find your pace it is a race that offers much satisfaction. I ran the race for 40 years and never regretted a day of moving onward.

  4. oh cute photo! Nice to be able to take the summer class. You are right - your are just beginning the race but a great on to be in! And do take time to enjoy it. It can get away from you very quickly. So remember to stop and breath every now and then.

  5. Good luck in your race!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Congratulations!! OMG she is so cute!!!


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