
Trying to find a good balance of academic time, chill time, outdoor time and just fun time is hard. My daughter is only 21 months old but I feel this push to suddenly start doing more with her with all of the free academic resources that have been released. 

Here is our little routine so far:

8:00-10:00- Wake up! (You literally never know with her, and I learned early not to wake a sleeping bear)

10:00-11:00- Morning cheers with bacon and eggs! We do a small circle time with flashcards and songs. We toast with our milk and coffee and we make breakfast while we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

11:00-11:30- READ! She will sit and let me read to her for up to an hour sometimes, but sometimes she likes to "read" to herself.

11:30-12:00- Free play, we literally play with every toy she has during this time.

12:00-12:30- Take a walk outside and feed the cows.

12:30-1:00- Eat a light lunch.

1:00-3:30- Nap time!

3:30-4:00- READ, usually she will sit with me to read 3-5 books after nap and then she will read the touch and feel ones or the ones with flaps.

4:00-4:30- Snack time with arts and crafts or sensory play, we have painted a lot during quarantine. 

4:30-5:00- We do a miniature circle time with flashcards and songs.

5:00-5:30- A nature walk while we wait for daddy!

5:30-6:00- Free play with daddy while mama gets dinner going!

6:00-7:30- Dinner time, family time, bath time and more reading before bed!

So here is a little slice of my life during quarantine. Since I am a stay at home mom anyways, this has pretty much been our schedule from the start. On a normal week we would visit a museum or a park a couple of times, but that isn't an option right now. If there are any moms out there with toddlers and suggestions on more academic related play let me know! I am totally open to new things! 


  1. Sounds like a great routine! I hate being cooped up and I miss my students, but it is special to spend the extra time with my little =)

  2. Yes, definitely a good routine, sounds like you're keeping your daughter stimulated and relaxed in a balanced way. Hopefully you can get outside again before too long.

  3. Sounds like you are very organized. Finding lots of things to explore outside might be fun. Making surprise bags with new things to feel, and play with. I saw someone using dried noodles to bury little toys in and their little on would go digging for them while sitting on the kitchen floor, a couple bowls with water and a sponge could be fun for awhile, then change clothes for a nap. Most important have fun!

  4. "We literally play with every toy she has" - this is adorable!


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